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Where Experience Meets Technology in Edmonton

Quality Service You Can Count On

Oxford Machine & Welding Ltd. offers a wide range of services to help you get the job done! We offer a full-service manual and CNC machine shop, ferrous and nonferrous welding and fabrication, and extensive rolling and light-forming capabilities. With a 43,000 square-foot facility, highly trained and experienced staff, and state-of-the-art technology, we do the job from start to finish with precision and skill. When you rely on Oxford Machine & Welding, you can be certain that you’re getting the best possible product.

Over 70 Years of Industry Experience

At Oxford Machine & Welding, we have over 70 years of experience in the industry behind us. Employing only the leading tradesmen and production staff, our sales team provides a thorough evaluation of each inquiry. We pride ourselves on our commitment to working closely with our valued customer and offering the best quality machining, cutting, welding & fabrication and rolling at the best possible price. Whether custom CNC machining or production manufacturing, the use of modern technology by our experienced production team ensures that you receive the right product on time, every time. You can count on us.

The Cutting Edge of Technology

As technology advances, so do we. We strive to keep up with the cutting edge of industry technology so that we can provide you with superior services. We offer high-definition plasma cutting and oxy-cutting services, as well as state-of-the-art True Hole technology because we believe you deserve not only the most experienced team to meet your needs, but the highest quality technology in the market to assure that we can exceed those needs. When you choose Oxford Machine & Welding in Edmonton, you can rest assured that your cutting, machining and welding needs are in good hands.

Servicing Small and Large Businesses

Whether you’re a small or medium-sized business or a large corporation, we are here to meet your specific machining needs. We’re proud of the work we do every day and are dedicated to providing you with the best possible product. If you’d like to learn more about the recent products we’ve completed for Edmonton businesses just like yours, you can view our gallery page to see examples of just some of the high-quality work we are proud to say we’ve been able to complete.

Oxford Machine & Welding is “where experience meets technology.” Call us if you’re interested in meeting with us to see how we provide our services for your business.

Call today for help with your next project!

Contact Us

11612 170 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1J7, Canada


Mon-Fri: 7:30 am-4:00 pm